futourist.io is proud to announce the website’s new direction and design soon. Note that our services are not affiliated with those of the previous site.

How does Futourist work ?

Sharing a photo of a pizza coffee steak has never been more rewarding.

Futourist is the first block-chain based review platform that rewards you for your content.
You create reviews, share and get paid.


On a quest for an adventure? With Futourist, exciting experiences are always just one click away. Bon voyage!


Review your experience, share it with the world and earn FTR coins. Ka-ching!

Get paid

Instantly reap the rewards for your shared content and treat yourself to a delicious smoothie, burger, or just about anything else.

Blockchain travel review platform

What is Futourist?

Futourist is a video-focused, influencer friendly review app, revolving around travel topics. The economy inside the Futourist platform creates a bridge between businesses and content creators, disrupting the online review industry by distributing revenue fairly across all content creators.

Futourist is the first blockchain travel review platform where users get rewarded for creating and curating reviews. Reviews are one of the most trustworthy and helpful kind of information found on the internet. They shape how we see things on daily basis, and most importantly - they are directly correlated to business revenue. So if you help others, if you recommend them a certain service, we believe you should get rewarded!


Done! Your review was successfully published!


Good Job! You have earned 3214 FTR tokens for reviewing Burger Place!

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